Multidisciplinary Sciences Publisher (MSP) is a modern publishing business established in 2021 registered under the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM), and it is audited yearly with the Registration Number of 202101040145 (1440445-W). The general nature of business is organization, promotions and/or event management, publishing books, brochures, article and others publication. MSP is based in Malaysia, and it is a platform for academic activities to develop knowledge in multiple disciplines of science. At the moment, we are looking for any discussion with academics, institutions, industry, and other parties to strengthen the knowledge and linkage worldwide through this platform. We have several journals under MSP and strive to be included in the top indexes as we have an excellent and experienced editorial team and support from several institutions. We also offer a workshop, conference, and training provided by MSP teams to assist lecturers, researchers, graduate students, and scholars in improving visibility and skills.

At the moment, we have two journals operated under Multidisciplinary Sciences Publisher namely Environmental Reports (ENRE) and Agriculture Report (AGRE). To encourage the paper submission, all cost of publication process will be covered by MSP publisher.


  • Agriculture Reports

    Agriculture Reports (AGRE) is an open-access peer-reviewed journal under Multidisciplinary Sciences Publisher (MSP) and it is registered by Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) based in Malaysia. The journal accepts submissions focused on interdisciplinary studies in recent agriculture aspects. Original research articles, reviews, letters, and case studies are welcome for submission in AGRE. The journal  publishes TWO (2) issues a year; June and December issue.

    Any correspondence, queries and request for information regarding the AGRE should be sent to the Editorial Office at [email protected]

  • Environmental Reports

    Environmental reports (ENRE) is an open access journal under Multidisciplinary Sciences Publisher (MSP) and it is registered by Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) based in Malaysia. ENRE is a peer-reviewed journal covering various topics. All the article published by ENRE will get high visibility for reader as well as for global exposure. ENRE consider original environmental-related studies of global interest. ENRE is a peer-reviewed open access journal covering a wide area of research. It serves the international research community of interdisciplinary areas for better understanding the surrounding environment. Environmental pollution, climate change, ecosystem contamination, and hazardous materials are among the scope of ENRE.

    The journal fits submissions related to full research studies, reviews articles, and perspective. ENRE publishes TWO (2) issues a year; June and December issue.

    Any correspondence, queries and request for information regarding the ENRE should be sent to the Editorial Office at [email protected]